Funerals : Burials at your home or private land

Planning a funeral is never easy,

When you suffer a bereavement, a funeral for a member of your family is the most difficult day of your life. Everything your family and friends ever thought about a loved one is expressed on that day.


Since 2010, Perry and Phillips have seen a steady increase in burials (of a coffin) taking place on a families private land.

There are advantages and disadvantages to this:


  • Sentimental location of your loved one.
  • Saving in committal costs.
  • No restriction in grave markers.


  • The burial needs to be recorded on the deeds to the land.
  • Potential blight in future sale of the land.
  • Exhumation of the deceased is extremely difficult to obtain.
  • Tight restrictions in order to achieve the burial.


For a home burial to be approved by the Environmental Health Department, the below points must be followed:

  • The site should be more than 30 metres from any spring or any running or standing water. It should also be more than 10 metres from any ‘dry’ ditch or field drain.
  • The site should be at least 50 metres away from any well, borehole or spring that supplies water for any use. If you are not sure where these are, our local office will be able to advise you.
  • When preparing the grave, make sure there is no standing water when it is first dug and that the grave is not dug in very sandy soil.

There should be at least one metre of soil above and below the body after burial. The burial of cremated ashes is unlikely to cause harm to the environment and can be carried out without reference to us.


Perry & Phillips Funeral Directors are members of the National Association of Funeral Directors and act in accordance with The Code of Practice that sets out the high standard of service that bereaved families may expect from its members.


Being a Family run establishment, we also strive to ensure our environmental procedures are at the highest of standards and are constantly being reviewed. You can download our policy here below.

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